Our courtyard maintains it's natural elements with just a pop of red.
One of my favorite natural elements is driftwood. Since we are walking distance to the beach we have plenty of it available. I use it year round. These muscle baskets hold driftwood all year long, but at Christmas, I add a tiny tree with a few lights.
My wisteria vines have only a few leaves left so we wrap the arbor with some fresh green garland.
Come on in.....our use of natural elements is carried through the inside of our home as well
for a special little one.
I LOVE the little Scandinavian ornaments from Splendid Willow Avenue. They add just the right amount of red to my natural decor!
I also added a tiny counter top tree in the kitchen
and found some cool vintage ornaments for decoration. The deer are actually made of paper mache and wax. I found them at a local antique mall.
pine cones
and more driftwood!! It"s so beautiful with the green garland
Even the doors get a few sprays of green
The table centerpiece also gets a bit of lavender-my personal favorite!
I added some greenery to my hutch this year. It looks so pretty against the silver and china.
A view from the kitchen.....
My little shadow...Macy. She thinks it's time for dinner :)!
I incorporate natural and garden elements into my decor all year round for a calm and comfortable feel.
Thank you for reading and our sincerest wishes to all for a happy holiday season!
We always appreciate your comments too!